Totally Boring
The day begins in the morning. The neighbors bicker. I hear porcelain splinter. Later on ooohhhs and moan through our thin walls.
At eight I eat three crisps with margarine. No jam, everyday life is buried in fifty shades of gray. The newspapers announce details about war and terror, again and again. The coffee is bitter and cold now. Fuck.
The leaders meet in Tel Aviv. They talk about the concerns and needs of the common man. Ha! In the morning show I see the arrival of the heads of state. Big heavy aircrafts emit much smoke. Fuck.
Mom calls. Asks whether I shower regularly. I wonder about the question. There‘s a long silence on the line. Finally, we talk about the weather, as always. As I pull back the curtains, I see it's raining. I wish it would snow.
For lunch, I warm soup. Then pickles from the jar. Then coffee, that from the morning. With four spoons of sugar. I‘m considering about a fifth. Still no snow. No wonder, after all it‘s soon of June.
Apart from all this, it’s terribly boring. Totally boring. So incredibly boring. A single long long while. Fuck. Someday it will happen what? A little excitement? No, it will not. Of course not. No no no. Fuck.
Two-o-clock in the afternoon. A little nap. I'm dreaming of an orgy, fat women, fat breasts, fat meat. I in the middle of it. And I laugh. What I usually avoid. And they laugh. All together. Like a choir. And everything trembles. So do I. When I wake up, I hear the construction workers. How they hammer and make noise somewhere in the neighborhood.
On the radio, the usual. Aston Villa loses. 3:0. What a disaster. Shay Given is no longer what it once was. On TV, a documentary about chimpanzees. On the Three Tarzan in black’n‘white. Then something with Robert Redford. I like him. But not in the afternoon. Especially not at 3 p.m. Fuck.
Apart from all this, it’s terribly boring. Totally boring. So incredibly boring. A single long long while. Fuck. Someday it will happen what? A little excitement? No, it will not. Of course not. No no no. Fuck.
And then the evening. No pig is calling. The beer is all. The crispies also. I wonder if I should call mother. But what shall I say? Eve is moved to Australia. To her Crocodile Dundee. How sick is that? Fuck. I zap on TV. Only war, spinners, desolate telenovelas, aging show stars, insane stories, lousy actors, lousy cheap settings. Fortunately, at least I'm not spoiled yet normal.
Apart from all this, it’s terribly boring. Totally boring. So incredibly boring. A single long long while. Fuck. Someday it will happen what? A little excitement? No, it will not. Of course not. No no no. Fuck.